Trials Of The Salem Witch Trials. Words | 5 Pages. many of the witch hysterias died down, however the Puritans who had immigrated to America brought many of the old views and feelings to the colonies. In late , a group of young Salem girls began to act strangely (Stewart 14) · Over people in Salem were accused of being a witch (Salem Witch Trials). Around 20 suspects and a few animals were hanged for witchcraft (Asirvatham). The supernatural claims by the some convicted people caused the government to try to distinguish more suspects for witchcraft Words 3 Pages. The Salem Witch Trials. The Salem Witch Trials began after young girls in Salem claimed to be possessed by the Devil and started holding local women of Salem accountable of witchcraft. The effects the Salem Witch Trials had on the colony were separation of the church and the state and mass hysteria
The Salem Witch Trials - Words | Essay Example
All the false accusations from people caused the court to execute the accused witches without any strong evidence of practicing witchcraft. After Tituba had confessed to seeing the devil and blame others the hysteria and blaming had started. After 15 months in prison, Tituba went on trial for contacting with the devil, the salem witch trials essay.
Over people in Salem were accused of being a witch Salem Witch Trials. Around 20 suspects and a few animals were hanged for witchcraft Asirvatham. The supernatural claims by the some convicted people caused the government to try to distinguish more suspects for witchcraft. Many suspects got arrested and went for trial. Acts of rape of molesting were often related to satanism, so children were asked to point out people, but the children often lied to gain attention Asirvatham.
A lot of innocent people were accused by children since children were encouraged and rewarded to find rapists and molesters. All of these actions taken in the court shows how people can inhumane by not giving them a chance and hanging them. Our writers can help you with any type of essay. For any subject Get your price How it works. It also shows how people can easily blame others for attention.
Many convicted people who pleaded innocent were given harsher punishments, the salem witch trials essay. People were hanged without letting them defend themselves which is very inhumane. Bridget Bishop was the first defendant to be convicted on June 2.
She was hanged on The salem witch trials essay 10 in a place called Gallows Hill in Salem Village Salem Witch Trials. Giles, accused of witchcraft, he did not plead guilty which lead to harsher punishments. He was pressed under rocks for 2 days until he died Salem Witch Trials. Many lives of people were ruined because of being accused of witchcraft. When Giles stood up for himself he was given a harsher punishment which was unnecessary and inhumane to him. When the Governor Phips wife was accused of witchcraft, the salem witch trials essay, he ceased all the trials in Court of Oyer and Terminer.
He established the Superior Court of Judicature that banned the use of any spectral evidence in the court. Salem Witch Trials. When Governor Phips stopped the trials because of his wife, it showed how unfair he was to everyone else who was convicted. What Caused the salem witch trials essay Salem Witch Trials. com, Apr 19, Accessed October 7, comApr Make sure your essay is original or hire a writer to make it plagiarism-free.
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11 Myths About the Salem Witch Trials
, time: 11:04The Salem Witch Trials History Free Essay Example
Trials Of The Salem Witch Trials. Words | 5 Pages. many of the witch hysterias died down, however the Puritans who had immigrated to America brought many of the old views and feelings to the colonies. In late , a group of young Salem girls began to act strangely (Stewart 14) 82 Words1 Page. The Salem witch trials was a story of envy, lies, and the danger of the people. Others wouldn’t defend those accused, and if they did, they themselves were eventually charged as witches. In many ways, defending others was condemning yourself. Such was the · Over people in Salem were accused of being a witch (Salem Witch Trials). Around 20 suspects and a few animals were hanged for witchcraft (Asirvatham). The supernatural claims by the some convicted people caused the government to try to distinguish more suspects for witchcraft
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